Tuesday, November 2, 2010

GIA life Pendant

Discover What Body-Worn "Inspired Energy" Feels Like...
The GIAlife Pendent provides you with a calming body-worn bio energetic solution to help you deal with everyday debilitating stress, including electromagnetic radiation (EMR).  Experience for yourself the pendant's unique energy enhancement qualities, which have already improved the quality of life for thousands of people across the world.*

Sterling Silver Filigree Pendent

Pendent Lite

Stainless Steel Pendent

~ Supports natural energy, plus mental & physical performance, especially under pressure*
~ Energetically optimized with GIA's proprietary Energy Resonance Technology(ERT)*

"Within hours of putting on the GIAlife Pendent, I could feel a difference. I felt calm, and didn't get frustrated with those 'little things' that would usually bother me. I felt more effective, focused, and energized - all at the same time. Thank you GIA Wellness!~"*
S.C., Carlsbad, CA

*Statements made about products featured in this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease.  Any testimonials given reflect the actual experience of each individual, are anecdotal only, and may be atypical.